Sunday, May 22, 2011

De-constructing my thoughts on slow losses

What is it that makes me frustrated when my loss is slow? What pushes me to want large losses each week?
Good things about this thought
Causes me to question what I am doing, if I am doing something wrong
Self examination and examination of choices is a good thing, might help me to identify some small thing in what I am doing that isn’t a great choice for me.
-I know that even in a week where my choices aren’t all great, overall I am doing a fantastic thing for myself.  Something that will improve my health for the rest of my life.
-In my heart and mind I know I am doing really, really well. I have the pictures to prove it.
I have thought about how long my next goal will take at a certain rate of loss and smaller losses will push that goal completion date back
Having goals is a good thing – they can prompt us to make an effort to achieve something great.
-This is not a race I am not in a competition with anyone.
-Setting goals of losing a certain amount in a certain time is not the best type of goal I can set – because many things can influence what happens on the scale – so it isn’t really a goal I have great control over.  Therefore finding another type of goal is probably a better strategy. 
I want to look awesome fast
Wanting to look good is a legitimate desire and can prompt some excellent behaviours (like getting in exercise to improve my body)
-Looking good is not the best benefit of what I am doing – the health benefits are so much more important.  Plus, the societal things that push us to “look good” are not good and drive many people to many very bad things.  So I don’t want to give too much control to that way of thinking.
A little bit of competitiveness
A little healthy competition can be a good thing – pushing me to explore my limits
-The weight loss is not a competition.  I can look for other ways to express my competitive side by challenging myself to do better at some kind of physical activity etc.
Driving urge for quick results
Wanting to achieve a worthwhile goal in a reasonable amount of time is a laudable idea.
-I know that the short term mentality that drives that kind of “quick results” thinking is poisonous in so so so many ways for us as people, for our planet, for our society etc.
-Even if it takes me 5 years to reach my goal, those 5 years will happen whether I am working on improving my health and slowly losing weight, or if I am back to old unhealthy habits and gaining weight.
-Research says having unrealistic loss expectations is one thing that commonly leads to failure as people give up when they don’t reach these goals.
The idea that the sooner I reach my goal weight the sooner I am done
Looking forward to reaching my goal weight is a good motivation for me.
-This is not a journey to a fixed destination – the journey itself is the thing.  I will be on maintenance for life after I reach my goal.  That is why this is about changing my lifestyle not about losing some set amount of weight in some arbitrary time frame.

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