Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Pics - Decision time

Well it would usually be around now that I would post new pictures for the start of the month.  And I took them yesterday.  But the shirt is starting to get to the stage where it is a little bit loose and so it doesn't really show the changes that are happening now (since the changes are getting less noticeable).  Plus it is also getting to the stage where I can't show all the pictures in a row.  So I need to decide what I am going to start doing now.  I think I am going to just show my start and my previous month and my current month from here on.  Plus I am thinking that I need to pick a different outfit to start up some new ones (am thinking my workout outfit will work well).

Well here is the new one - I am not happy with it especially because the shirt is all crinkly but decided to just go with it anyway.  Click the pic to see a bigger version.

Here is a copy of my goals from the side bar.  Really did quite poorly on these.  Wasn't really focused on them.  Well I guess I will revisit both of these soon in the hopes of doing better on them next time around.

Fitness Goals
Goal Get back to daily workouts - actual workouts not just walking on my non-pilates days
Target Date Through to June 25th
Progress/ Comments One down! Not doing terribly great on this, still getting in lots of walking but have been spotty on the actual workouts. Tomorrow morning I commit to doing one!

Food/Eating Goals
Goal Eat only to satisfaction - not to full, and definitely not until I feel stuffed.
Target Date Focus on this until June 4th - carrying this over until the end of June since it isn't going that great and I need more time to focus on it.
Progress/ Comments Have to mention a bit of a victory - free things like fruit and veggies I find especially hard to stop with - but I did the other day. I left the last strawberry or two in the bowl because I recognized that I was satisfied!

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