Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Great Cookie Crisis of November 2011

Thought I would post this here as well as on the WW site.  And of course the meteor theme is a nod to the meteorite that passed nice and close to earth yesterday.

Thankfully this crisis was pretty much averted - the cookies just skimmed me instead of slamming in like a giant meteorite the size of Texas. And here is the story of the crisis that almost was:

In the morning, the cold, frosty, snow covered morning I prepared to leave for my Pilates followed by Essentrics double shot workout. And I was looking forward to it. Then as I prepared to go I could not find my toque (and I find I am feeling the cold outside even more now than I have in the past - probably due to the reduced padding!). And I knew I left my spare at work the other day. So I phoned the husband to see if he "organized" it away to a different location, only to discover that he had worn it. This despite the presence of his own goofy teddybear covered old fashioned sleeping hat style one sitting right there. Now despite the entire and complete goofiness of his I considered wearing it, until I realized it just reeked of cigarette smoke. So in the end I used a second scarf and wrapped it around my head like a babushka.

Sadly the scarf left me with one rather cold ear! And I found myself wanting to steal the very warm earflap style hat one kid on the bus had. But alas my style does not run to bullying and stealing from children, so I had to settle with what I had!

Mostly I was okay with all of this for the rest of the day as I had treated myself to a nice warming bowl of tom yum soup at lunch time.

But, having had enough workout and walking in my heavy winter boots I had thought to opt for a ride home. But alas no answer when I called, so on went the scarf and along I trudged. Only to arrive home to a husband, sound asleep and a tummy rumbling with hungry. I had been hoping that some plans for supper might be in the works when I arrived.

So I sat and thought about stuffing my face with all that was left in the cookie bag (oh probably only 15 cookies or so since thankfully the bag was not actually full). But then a flash of brilliance startled me, actually it was just the light from my computer monitor when I turned it on, but there the answer was right in front of me. I posted a note about my desire to revenge myself on my hubby and his toque stealing ways by eating a whole bunch of cookies. Boy wouldn't that just show him LOL. Sometimes the mind is a wonderful landscape of the irrational!

The support rolled in, including a wonderful suggestion to starch his shorts which made me laugh - now if I just actually had any idea of how to do that I might just consider it! Thanks to all the words of encouragement I was able to avoid the cookies at the height of my irrationality!

Now this is not to say that I had no cookies, I had my 2 "dessert" cookies a little later as I was trying to find something to make for supper (it was cook something bold day yesterday apparently so I thought I should make something bold!). So while eating a couple cookies while preparing for supper is not a fantastic choice, it wasn't the full meteor strike bag full (and for that matter it wasn't the walk to the store and buy 2 family size bags of chips and a couple large chocolate bars meteor strike it might have been in the past). 

So thanks to all those who helped me dodge that cookie shaped meteor!

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