Perhaps I am crazy, and perhaps anyone reading this will think that I am but I can feel that anaerobic burn going on at the core of me right this minute. An anaerobic workout from my understanding is one that not only burns calories while you are doing it but turns up your internal engines to a higher level and keeps burning the calories for quite a while (up to 8 hours) after the workout. And I am entirely convinced that if you try you can feel it.
Today I braved the cold, bundled up and walked to they gym. Once I got there I hopped on the Jacob's ladder (after taking off the extra layers of clothes and jackets of course - since I think it would have been pretty hilarious to see me on there with winter jacket, toque, scarf and gloves - and I think I would have fallen off of it in about 1 minute under those conditions LOL). I did 17 minutes on it. The first minute (0 to 1)was a warm up at a reasonable but not super fast rate. Then minutes 1 to 6 were 6 20/40 intervals. Then minute 7 I needed to stay at the slower pace. Then I did two more interval based minutes. So 8 minutes of intervals in total. The rest of the time on there I was going at a little faster pace than I have been doing. I would say I probably averaged in at 40 or maybe even 41.
Followed up the ladder with a little bit of stretching, then a little bit of ab work (not much just a little bit), then some pushups (30, 10 of each of 3 types - regular, tricep, serratus) and I did a short plank as well. So all in all it felt like a really good workout.
I do think that intervals really are the way to go if you want that anaerobic burn to be going all day! Because I know I have felt that burn doing a running in place tabata (10 sec at as hard as you can go/20 second very slow pace) for just around 2 or 2 and half minutes and have been able to feel the burn afterwards for hours. So I absolutely believe that the best bang for your buck in terms of calorie burning is intervals! At least that is my 2 cents on the subject!
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