Well the last days for me have featured some serious nausea, a lot of sleep followed by no sleep, followed by reduced nausea and increased abdominal disturbances (pain that reminded me of my gall bladder attacks and had me actually sobbing). But thankfully despite the lack of sleep last night I think I might actually be feeling quite a bit better.
The thing is that as much as I rant and rave against the scale there are some milestones that still mean something to me despite my efforts to minimize them. That 75 pounds lost was one I was looking forward to. But now I just shot right past it on the result of being so sick and it just kind of spoiled it for me. Kinda glad on one hand, kinda disappointed on the other. I don't like the big losses - they are not to be desired and I especially don't like one brought on by being sick and taking away my milestone LOL. Never satisfied.
But on another scale related note. I realized I had under accounted my height (probably hadn't measured my height since high school when I got my learners license LOL, and put on an extra 3/4 of an inch after that). So here I am never having known that I am taller than I ever thought LOL. But the great thing about that is that it means that getting my "goal" weight for WW is that much closer. And I don't really care about that number per se but I do care about not having to pay anymore! And that will be awesome!
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