Monday, February 28, 2011

Post Hunger Considerations

After a very hungry day yesterday I recognized what I think are a few truths for myself.  The first is that it is really important for me to not let myself get over hungry - this one is kind of obvious but it never hurts to remind oneself of these things.  The second is that if I do find myself on the verge of that over hungry state - make sure that I eat a real meal - eat to satisfaction, don't just graze a bit of food, then another little bit etc.  I don't think that it satisfies me and it seems like yesterday at least it really threw my body's hunger queues way out of whack.

This morning I got the good old step aerobics going.  Felt good but I also discovered something odd.  The heartrate measurement can definitely be influenced by how I hold my hand.  If I leave my hand in an open position my heart rate does not measure as being very high even if I feel like I am working pretty darn hard.  But if I close it into a fist then it does measure as being reasonably high.  So that is an interesting thing.

Yesterday at pilates I continued to have a good time with the roll ups - having discovered that putting my arms all the way down for the start of the roll up seems to be pulling my ribs up a bit and making the roll up way harder.  So that was a great discovery from the other day.  The roll over on the other hand is something I am still way off with - I think I will have to work the dvd pilates routine into my week at least a couple times - I know it has the roll over in it so I hope it can help me to improve it.

Other Strength My Routine Step Pilates
warm up and cool down 19
walking 20
22 50 (yesterday)

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