Friday, February 4, 2011

Professional development

I didn't post yesterday but I did do some pilates yesterday from a video on the tv.  Definitely glad I am going to classes because if that was my only exposure to pilates I don't really think I would love it anywhere near as much as I do!  Did around 28 to 32 minutes of it though, so I will just add it to the table on this post.

Today was a professional development day at work and one of the breakout sessions available was a yoga class.  It was pretty good - a big chunk of it was working with blocks and bolsters under the back etc.  It is stuff I had done in a drama class a few years back but hadn't done since and it felt really good.  I love the ones with the wood block under different spots on the back - it just helps to release stuff so well.  So I have changed the table as well you might notice since it wasn't really working that great for me in the old form - I needed an other column and don't really need the "minutes" heading on the left.  So hopefully this format works a bit better.

I had been feeling such incredible energy the previous couple of weeks but I have felt a bit tired this week - perhaps I need to consider eating more of my activity points on the days I earn them (when I earn lots of them in a day).  Maybe because I am a bit on the tired side the more sardonic/negative side of me was looking at a few things in my PD day today with a bit of skepticism.  But I decided to just get a chuckle out of one of the things and not worry about the rest of them.  I work at an organization with more policies than I have ever seen in any of my other workplaces (possibly more than the rest combined lol).  And one of the speakers today was from West Jet and talked about how they avoid having policies but have promises instead.  I must admit I felt bad for our organization at that point - because the comparison is such an unfavorable one.  But I just kind of chuckled about it and moved on to just appreciate the idea behind that - promises instead of policies and it is one of the most impressive ideas I have heard on the topic of employee engagement in a really long time.

Other Strength My Routine Step Pilates
20 - walking
45 - yoga
30 - yesterday 

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