Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nephew energy

My darling nephew's birthday get together was yesterday.  Every time I see him and his little brother I am reminded of the boundless energy of youth.  The again, again, again of having fun.  Aunty as the engine for the rocket ship, or plane, or the wind under the wings of the pterodactyl gets her exercise in as well.  The little guys would have me flying them around the room and down the hallways all day and night long if I didn't poop out from it.

But it gets me to thinking about a couple of things. The first is the acting class I took a few years ago.  It was a first year first term acting class at my university and not in any way related to my major.  But as electives go I would say it was one of the most life altering things.  It reminded me about the ability for us to play as adults.  We had to run around acting like loons and doing things we would probably individually never have considered doing on our own.  The beauty of it for me was that it was a turning point in my attitude towards worrying about what others think.  Now when I am in a situation where I feel like I would like to put my all into participating in something - or if I want to race around after my nephew playing in the store or wherever I do it (at least 95% of the time - the other 5% I still find the odd bit of the old mindset sneaking back in).  

Like everything I am doing with this change of lifestyle I now really recognize that change is an choice.  I choose to choose joy and fun and to embrace it rather than some imaginary boundary about how to behave properly.  It isn't that I run around screaming at the top of my lungs and causing a massive disturbance for others - but I do choose to embrace fun and joy.  I am glad my nephews give me even more opportunity to do so!

I also just have to talk about my pilates class today for a minute.  Jenny definitely makes my abs work and I did slack off a little bit at the end of the abs section - could have pushed myself a bit harder.  Next week I won't let myself slack!  But I do have to give myself a bit of a pat on the back because I am getting better and better at my roll ups and roll overs.  The roll overs have a way to go yet but certainly better than they were even last week.  Just looking forward to continuing to improve on all of my pilates repertoire moves.  Think I am going to get the next video that has the full repertoire in it.

Other Strength My Routine Step Pilates
playing 20 - yesterday 50

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