Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Workout and World Views

Today I can't help but talk a little bit about what is going on in Japan.  I sincerely hope that the worst is over there but the chance of those reactors completely melting down is terrifying.  And just reinforces my belief that any government even considering nuclear as an energy source on the grounds that it is "safe" really MUST reconsider.  How many people must be killed, how many must suffer through radiation caused cancer or other slow deaths before we realize we need to curb our demands for energy to provide a safer world for us all.

Well enough of that discussion for today - since I am about to be kind of hypocritical as I talk about the electricity sucking workout that I just had.  Perhaps I need to set myself a goal of weaning myself off the electronic workout nanny and find less resource intensive ways to get in my activity.

The EA Sports Active workout today was a tough one.  Definitely pushed me in the cardio area.  The one thing that remains frustrating is the kickups runs (where you are supposed to kick back with your feet on each stride) just doesn't seem to register properly.  Although I did discover that I need to make a very exaggerated arm movement and it helps to recognize the movement.

Other Strength My Routine Step Pilates

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