Sunday, August 14, 2011

Glumness thy remedy is Activity

So I am feeling a bit blah today.  Not really down but not really up or enthusiastic either.  And, I have to say that I suspect the bulk of that feeling is a few days in a row without any real activity.  I walked and even danced a bit yesterday/last night but didn't really feel like I got a workout at all.  The great thing I guess is that what I did yesterday would have felt more like a workout not that terribly long ago.  So I guess it is great that I have improved my fitness.  And I am sooooooo looking forward to getting back to the pilates tomorrow.  Can't say how much I have missed it.  Now I just have to figure out how I can get to the stuff I want to get to at the pilates studio next session and I will be very happy indeed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dressing Up

Well I felt pretty good today - finished up a program of courses I had to take for work (today was our "grad").  So I was more dressed up than normal and thought hey I should document this on the old blog - and there were people on the weight watchers site who asked me to post pictures.  So here it is.