Well another week has gone by and I am down again and that is a great thing. Very happy with how it has been going. Yesterday was a bit of a challenge with the tracking because I made a soup and it was pretty hard to estimate just how many points I should allocate for it. I estimated what I felt was fairly high. And silly me I also chose last night to have a late night popcorn snack. Really should consider whether I want to do that the day before a weigh in again. But no matter I kept track of the popcorn and was still well within my allowable points for the week.
This morning me and the wii just had a fun time. I didn't do my routine I just picked a bunch of different things to do. Did my rhythm boxing which is just my favourite. I am am getting better and better at it all the time. Did a couple of the strength training moves that I usually have in my routine but with more reps than I get in the my routine and that was a good little workout. It is too bad that you can't set which level you would like the exercises in my routine to be at. I would definitely like more reps for some of them. Oh well maybe they will have another version someday that will allow for that.
Now I suppose I really should get my behind in gear and get cleaning the kitchen and doing my laundry. Will come back on here later to put in my average daily workout time.
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