Well I was posting on a message board the other day and was recalling something I read somewhere about dealing with cravings. And in the process I broke down what I had read and put it together like this:
1. Be specific about what you are craving (i.e. a piece of dark chocolate)
2. Take a minute to decide if you really and truly want it (maybe use a rating scale that works for you i.e. I want it as a 8/10)
3. Take a minute to consider if this is something that you really like (i.e. do you really like bad cheap chocolate - I know I don't)
4. Final step, if you really love it, and you really want it - then have it. But if you don't really like it or you don't really and truly want it then skip it.
So I think I am going to make myself a little cheat card that says
1. What do you want?
2. Rate how badly you want it right now (from 1 to 10 with 10 being "I want it so bad I could cry").
3. Rate how much you like it (from 1 to 10 with 10 being "I love it more than anything else in the world")
4. If 2 and 3 were both ratings of 8 or more go ahead otherwise pause to think again!
Anyhow on to the workout - did my 8 minutes in the morning weights again today (arms triceps and biceps). Did them both with 10 pound weights. The triceps were a massive struggle so it is probably a good weight that will take a while for me to get past. But the biceps probably need a couple pounds more.
The wii workout was pretty good today - on the long distance run the first time I followed the yellow dog since that is a much better path than following the regular leader. But then I did it a second time and waited to follow the black dog, but I was a bit on the tired side so I admit I didn't pay as much attention to the path - although I love the end of it with the finish line up at the top of some big hill. Am planning to do the island lap next time I do the run - hopefully it will go well.
Just bought the EA Sports Active 2 Personal Trainer game yesterday - I think I am going to try it out tomorrow morning - or maybe even tonight. Will post what I think of it after I give it a tryout.
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