Friday, November 4, 2011

My Fitness Schedule Through December

Next Week At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Tue 08/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Tue 08/11/2011
10:30 AM
Thu 10/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 10/11/2011
10:30 AM
13/11/2011 - 19/11/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Mon 14/11/2011
10:30 AM
Tue 15/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 17/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 17/11/2011
10:30 AM
20/11/2011 - 26/11/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Mon 21/11/2011
9:30 AM
Beginner Group Mat Class
Mon 21/11/2011
10:30 AM
Tue 22/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 24/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 24/11/2011
10:30 AM
27/11/2011 - 03/12/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Mon 28/11/2011
9:30 AM
Beginner Group Mat Class
Mon 28/11/2011
10:30 AM
Tue 29/11/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 01/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 01/12/2011
10:30 AM
04/12/2011 - 10/12/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Mon 05/12/2011
9:30 AM
Beginner Group Mat Class
Mon 05/12/2011
10:30 AM
Tue 06/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 08/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 08/12/2011
10:30 AM
Sat 10/12/2011
9:30 AM
TRX & REstore
11/12/2011 - 17/12/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Mon 12/12/2011
10:30 AM
Tue 13/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 15/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Thu 15/12/2011
10:30 AM
18/12/2011 - 24/12/2011 At Lead Pilates & Wellness
Tue 20/12/2011
9:30 AM
Intermediate Group Mat Class
Tue 20/12/2011
10:30 AM

As you can see I have it packed in pretty good over the next several weeks. Really needed to get things back to a higher level and so glad I will have the chance to do so before the session is over!  Am going to be working on also getting in some time at home, renewing my commitment to getting up in the mornings and doing at least a short workout.  I think Sundays are going to be the main day at home for working out and then once I am free again on Saturdays I will try to get them into the rotation.

I am really looking forward to the jumpstart classes since it gives me a nice chance to get back on the equipment at the studio.  I really miss that part of things it is just so different yet it has the same great mind/body connection, just feels more strength building to me.

I am even looking forward to doing a few beginner mat classes.  I was having a hard time figuring out how to fit my classes in but then I thought, hey they will be late in the beginner session so it will have enough going on to be interesting.  Plus it will give me time to work on some of my basics where I need to work on them.  It never hurts to get back to them and explore the basics with a different mindset.  And it will actually be a different instructor as well so that should be quite interesting too.

Yay for just about 2 months worth of extra hard work!

Also I will be posting new pics, but I have decided to change what I am wearing so I can see continuing progress.  But I tried to take the pics and need to adjust my positioning as they didn't turn out well.  Will hopefully get the pics taken tomorrow and posted the day after. In case there is anyone out there who cares to see them!

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