Friday, December 10, 2010

Pushy Pushy Wii

Just yesterday I was talking about the lure of the daily weigh in and boy the Wii designers sure want you to be hooked on it.  Today because I have been using the Wii every day but not doing a body test it stopped me before I could do my workout and asked me what I thought I weighed.  And I couldn't get away from it there was no "cancel" or "exit" option.  I had to answer the question to carry on.

What is up with that?  I suspect that the more hooked on the daily weigh in you are the less likely you are to abandon their game for some other game without that hook.  Although since you already bought it I don't know what they would gain from that -- guess I just see nefarious motives everywhere ;-)

Despite the little irritation at the beginning I had a good and fun workout today - just mostly played the games today and less of the yoga and strength training.  It is a fun little change but I actually really like the routine I do with yoga and strength stuff too.

Discovery of the day: at the end of my workout I was doing the zen focus one and I realized how tight some of my muscles are.  I need to start doing a bit more stretching each day at the end of my workouts.  Somehow I was feeling like I was doing a fair bit because a lot of the yoga poses provide some nice stretching.  But it is clear to me that I am not getting good enough stretching coverage because I definitely have some muscles in dire need of additional stretching.  So I am going to try to work that into my workout.

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