Saturday, April 26, 2014

Double Bashed

Bashed, battered, and all the stronger for it!  Okay not really bashed and battered, but definitely worked, worked, and then worked some more.  I had a double batch of Lead Pilates goodness today.  Started the morning at 8:30 with TRX and Restore.  Great workout that pushed me in a few new ways.  A couple new moves involved that I don't think I have done in TRX class before.  And even one new restore item with the foam roller to get more to the side of the hip/glute area in a nice way.

Then there was an hour break for me. I used some of that time for a bit of solo restore - some psoas release and a bit more of the hip/glute roll out that I had just learned.

The next class was Pilates Core Fusion, not sure I have done that class before (I think maybe I had done the Pilates Cardio Fusion before).  At any rate this was a crazy difficult ab class.  So much work on the abs - and then a whole lot of work on the legs and glutes.

Now I am sitting here and still feeling the effects of that double workout but in a good way - it feels like the blood is pumping through my body in a more energetic way if that makes any kind of sense at all.  We will see how much I like having had this double workout tomorrow when I am doing my swim workout for the Just Tri It sessions.

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