Sunday, July 3, 2011


Well someone on the Weight Watchers boards made a comment that just made some lights and buzzers go off in my little old brain.  I love when other people have these fantastic insights and share them - sure makes this journey sooooo much easier when you don't have to make all the discoveries on your own!  Some of them you just get to take to heart and use!

Well what she said is that her body seems to crave the healthy food when she is getting in the activity, but she craves the more junky stuff when she isn't getting in the activity.  I have to say I think that exact same thing goes on with me as well.  I can see how this past two weeks or so while I have been more busy and getting in less formal activity it has really seen me feeling much more inclined to cravings and especially for snack types of stuff.

So, even if I didn't already realize how vitally important activity is to my success in getting fit and healthy this would just provide additional reinforcement of that fact.  The challenge then is for this next week is to get in that activity despite having a busy week!  My goal will be to do the short pilates workout at least twice and try to get the full repertoire in at least once.

Will try to update on here with my progress in getting that activity in!

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