Friday, February 25, 2011

Bad Blogger

Well I haven't been very good at getting on here to blog daily.  But I am doing much better with making sure I keep myself moving.  I have been at it every day getting in some activity at least.  Today it was step aerobics and then of course walking to and from work (in the -49 with windchill weather).

Today I just thought I would like to talk about the supreme importance of language in this process of transformation.  I spend quite a lot of time on the WW boards reading and writing posts etc.  I am shocked at the number of people who use the most negative language to refer to themselves and how they are doing on the plan.  It actually makes me kind of mad when I see it because I think I have come to really and truly realize (and fully take to heart) the fact that trying to do something like this with a negative vocabulary to describe what you are doing is going to make it so much harder - perhaps impossible.  Positive language and attitudes will take you a long, long way. So I get mad because I feel so sure they are sabotaging their efforts with that type of language.

I suppose it is obvious, if one were to read back through some of my earlier posts, that I have been developing my awareness and understanding along this theme for a while.  The labels we use for ourselves and how powerful they can be is all part of this language thing.  So here is to my continued positive belief in myself and my ability to keep making these lifelong healthy choices.

Other Strength My Routine Step Pilates
warm up and cool down 19
walking 20

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