Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Never say diet

Years ago I saw two women on tv who had written a book called "Never Say Diet". First off I thought the title was so exceedingly clever that I have never forgotten it.  Second I remember one thing they said on the show.  That was the advice to eat something as soon as you wake up in the morning.  Breakfast is called that because you are breaking your fast of the night you just slept through.  They said that eating first thing lets your body know that it will have food today and it doesn't need to conserve.  I have been trying to do that since I started WW usually a bit of a banana or apple or pear or something like that before I do my workout.  Then during and after my workout I finish off the banana or apple or pear.  And I am following the workout with my yogurt most days.

Today I was on the Wii fit and I did my 8 minutes inner and outer thigh strength training 3 sets of 12 reps each.  And I can tell you that I have selected the correct weights for those ones because the last ones of each of the sets were HAAAARRRRDDD.  Today I did all the sets after the first little bit of my routine - it is more convenient than having to stop and start so I think I will start using that method from now on.  Although I might add in a short basic run before starting as a bit of a warm up.  I am sure I will keep tweaking my way of doing this as I go.  Which is also good because it will help it from getting stale and boring.

On that note after the sore knee episode yesterday I have decided to do an ea sports workout only once a week for right now.  I feel like I can do it once a week without too much strain on the knee.  So I will be altering my schedule I set out for myself already.  But I see that as being flexible and able to adjust to things on the fly rather than as anything negative.  Here is to hoping my muscles will be in much better shape soon so I can do more than one of those workouts a week.

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